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Hi, I'm Zoë Skye Johnson

I was given the name Skye to serve as a constant reminder to aim for the stars. I prioritize consistent, not constant, improvement in everything I do, which includes challenging myself to go beyond my perceived limitations.



I aim to use my wide variety of skills and knowledge to tune into what is needed and contribute to a harmonious ensemble of creativity and strategy in all my current and future roles.

A Bit More About Me

I am always recognised by my curly hair and F1 bomber jacket. When I get a free chance, you'll be able to find me at my uncle's workshop, going deaf from the revving engines. Even though I have a growing wish list of cars I one day hope to own (20 cars and counting) nothing beats my dad's slightly modified '99 Corolla.


I have various interests and passions aside from my love for cars. I started learning to play my first instrument at 7 years old, I now play 3 instruments and sing in various groups. I love swimming and have been in various teams over the years, including 3 years at Manta Swimming Club. Fantasy, true crime, history, mythological fiction and historical fiction books, movies and series interest me as well. So do not be surprised if one of these topics happens to slither its way into the conversation when meeting me. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.



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